Anxiety: The Great Virus that is Destroying the World Today With Dr. Fergus Heffernan

Ms Fiona Temple, Principal of Mulroy College, welcomed parents, teachers from other schools, and the guest speaker, Psychologist and Educationalist Dr Fergus Heffernan, to the College. A large crowd attended to hear him give a talk on “How to Create Resilience and Happiness in Tough Challenging Times.”

Magical Medicinal Lichens

On a recent wander through the wild and beautiful Donegal hills amongst the scattering of black faced sheep on unfenced land. 
Something I noticed  was that the seemingly naked winter trees were actually encased in thick silver Lichen. 

Seaweed Baths

As an Island surrounded by the sea we are so fortunate to have an abundance of gifts fro

It’s wintertime and the livin’ ain’t easy—

It’s wintertime and the livin’ ain’t easy—
We always seem to catch every cough , cold, sniffle or infection at this time of year.
 Infections in the breathing tubes (bacterial and viral) can be the most common cause of cough in otherwise healthy individuals. The most common cause (particularly in children) is a virus, which cannot be treated by antibiotics but can be treated with anti-viral herbs.


I'm not writing about  HRT or it’s side effects - but the medicine it’s self 
and more disturbingly where it comes from.

Being a health conscious woman of a certain age, I was having a read up on “the menopause, the stage of the crone, the Change of life”.

Funny, it almost makes me shrivel up inside just thinking about it or saying Menopause and yet it is something that every woman on this planet will experience no matter what.

What is the Menopause?

My Journal of World War 1 Hands of History Trip; Belgium and France.

I've got that melancholy feeling this morning, it could be that it’s the beginning of September or that school routine has begun in earnest. Or that I’m feeling the come down after my trip World War 1 study trip to Belgium. As the enormity of the human cost, the loss and the repercussions that came from the First World War, settles in.

World War 1 Battlefield Study Trip

In the early hours of Sunday morning 24 th August myself and a group of bleary eyed travelers will board a bus to Dublin Airport - The beginning of a World War 1 study trip  to France and Belgium. 

What's Killing our Trees?

Once trees were symbols of physical and spiritual nourishment, transformation, liberation, spiritual growth, union and fertility. Today their rich green canopies cover our country side; a part of our surroundings barely noticed and often take for granted. That is until they begin to decay or get sick.
And that is happening now, a great many of our trees are sick or are showing symptoms of becoming sick.

1 Billion Rising For Justice

People from Donegal joined one billion women and men in 207 countries and shock the earth through dance and song on Valentines Day. The event One Billion Rising for Justice whose aims to highlight the violence globally against women and girls. Despite the falling snow the Regional Cultural Center provide a light warm space for those gathered to add their voices to the global campaign.

Diagnosis is in…Hypothyroidism

As part of my New Year looking after my self plan, I had some blood work done. I couldn’t put in another year like last year.

It felt like I’d spend the last year walking up a downward moving escalator, not an easy thing to do. 
Now I know why “Under Active Thyroid- Hypothyroidism” the Doctor explained the test results and medication, I asked if I would feel the difference soon “Oh definitely” was her reply.

University’s not right for me!

The Christmas decorations are packed away, school, college and University’s are back. Unless you find yourself the parent of a third level student who tells you that they are not going back to UNI. The harsh truth, however, is that very many students will probably be re-examining their options before the year is out. The statistics are sobering. According to the Higher Education Authority, about 17 per cent of students across the seven universities drop out of their chosen course.