It’s wintertime and the livin’ ain’t easy—

It’s wintertime and the livin’ ain’t easy—
We always seem to catch every cough , cold, sniffle or infection at this time of year.
 Infections in the breathing tubes (bacterial and viral) can be the most common cause of cough in otherwise healthy individuals. The most common cause (particularly in children) is a virus, which cannot be treated by antibiotics but can be treated with anti-viral herbs.
en we've Whipping winds, dry air, and chilly temperatures and that can really do a number on our bodies from our soft skin, hair to the tips of our toes. 
Cold air outside and central heat indoors can strip moisture from strands and pores, making hair rough and skin itchy and dry.
 But endure no more: Items hiding in the back of your kitchen cupboard could just be the answer.

Firstly well look at 
What Can  You Do to Fight Winter Flu and Colds?

Nature naturally prepares us for winter time. The natural hedgerow pharmacy is brimming with plants designed to boost our immunity against viruses and bacterial infection. There is much you can do to help strengthen your defences.

Simple hand washing and disposable tissues ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’. I suggest carefully burning the tissues if you have an open fire or burner in your home. The virus can live on surfaces for quite some time.

Eat healthily
Minimise processed, refined and ready made meals and eat more freshly harvested and prepared local fruit and vegetables instead.

Strengthen Your Defenses - Boost your Immune System
To help prevent and fight of respiratory infections, look after your immune system at this time of year.

Something that works a treat for me and strengthens immune system and zaps virus.

Juice a couple of apples and carrots
A small section of fresh ginger
2 fresh turmeric roots,
spoon organic/ manuka honey to taste.

Turmeric spice has anti-viral properties and can be added to stews, casseroles and curries. This herb can also be taken in capsule form.

Natural Liquorice can be a beneficial treat with its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

Multi-vitamin & Mineral
A good compliment of vitamins and minerals are essential for immune function. Naturally it is best to eat a varied diet rich in fruit and vegetables to ensure good nutrition. Children can benefit from a little helping hand in autumn and early winter, particularly if they have a limited diet.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has proven anti-viral properties. Seasonal vitamin C –rich foods such as berries (fresh blackcurrants, blackberries, elderberries, bilberries, and rosehips), leafy greens (watercress, kale) and citrus fruits will boost levels. Larger doses may be beneficial during an infection and can be supplemented under advice.

Zinc is a vital mineral for a healthy immune system. Natural sources include; stone-ground organic wholegrain flour, organic brown rice, dried fruits, molasses, onions, garlic, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Vitamin D
Make sure you have adequate levels of vitamin D, also necessary for a healthy immune system.

Autumn Berry Syrup

This is my own spiced fruit syrup recipe for coughs, colds and flu’s. This recipe is suitable for all the family and can be taken when pregnant or taking other medications.
I use some home made jams for my autumn syrup. ie blackberry, blackcurrant etc simmer in a pt of water.

Blackcurrant jam
1 cinnamon stick
1 inch of fresh ginger grated
12 cloves
10 black peppercorns.
ts sp honey

Simmer for a further 30 minutes and then pour into labelled, sterilised bottles. Drink diluted with warm water 

Bee Pollen (Propolis)
This is an excellent nutritive and tonic supplement for building up the immune system and helping the body to cope with stress.  Pollen contains 21 of the 23 known amino acids, many of the B vitamins, Vitamin A and numerous minerals. It also contains powerful anti-oxidants.

 Add as many cloves as liked chopped or crushed to stews, soups etc. It will add anti-bacterial power to your food when added at the end of cooking to preserve the active constituents.

Ginger (fresh)
Fresh ginger is warming and will help clear congestion and phlegm in the upper respiratory tract.  I add it in everything to foods or simply take as tea.

Omega 3, 6 ,9

Omegas 3, 6 & 9 are also vital to your immune health

Vit B complex
Important for your nervous system esp in winter time

Carrageen Moss (Chondrus crispus)
This wonderful seaweed grows along our Atlantic coasts and is traditionally picked on the spring tides as it is only rarely exposed out of water, only appearing at these lowest tides. It can be bought dried in the health food store. High in iodine, vitamin A and B and many minerals, it is most nutritious and is ideal for those convalescing.
The seaweed is very soothing and antibacterial and is super for dry hacking coughs and sore throats. (Check with your medical herbalist if you have an existing thyroid problem before taking seaweeds).

You can combine the therapeutic actions of these herbs in a wonderful homemade cough syrup. Added honey will also help to soothe and heal. The fresh lemon juice will give you added vitamin C. Easy to make and will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days.

 Cough Syrup 
Handful of Carrageen Moss
400ml water
2 tbsp fresh thyme/ 1 tsp dried thyme
Local/ Manuka Honey
Freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • Reconstitute dried carrageen by soaking it in a little cold water for 15 minutes before use.
  • While this is soaking, make a strong cup of thyme tea; add the dried herb to 100ml of the water, cover and allow to infuse for 10 minutes. If using fresh herb, place water and picked leaves in a pot, cover and simmer gently for 15 minutes.
  • Now discard the water used to reconstitute the seaweed and add the carrageen to the remaining water.
  • Simmer gently in a pot for 10 minutes or until a light gloopy/syrupy consistency.
  •  Add the thyme tea to the pot, strain and add honey and lemon to taste. It should have a thick, syrupy consistency but it will thicken further as it cools. Pour into sterilised bottles and store in the fridge.


Take a generous spoonful 4-6 times a day when needed.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
 This herb is used extensively for resolving infections of the respiratory and digestive tracts. It is a powerful antiseptic and expectorant and super for treating bronchitis and asthma where excess mucous production can encourage a secondary chest infection.

Make a strong infusion from fresh or dried plant to use as a gargle for tonsillitis and laryngitis.  Use the essential oil to inhale in steam inhalations for sinusitis.
The antispasmodic and healing properties of the herb will do wonders for a tummy bug, especially as the powerful antiseptic qualities will kill the bacteria causing the problem.

Don’t drink too strong a tea as the oils may leave you feeling nauseous. Just make a weaker cup next time!

Echinacea(Echinacea angustifolia/purpurea)
There are two types of Echinacea species Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea. It is generally accepted that the angustifolia is the stronger of the two species in immune stimulating action.  
Taking Echinacea now and continue periodically over the winter months to help prevent infection. Taken in larger doses, more often, it is a proven immune stimulant when taken at the first sign of an infection (see your medical herbalist for individual prescribing doses for acute infection).

Herbal inhalation
To be inhaled in a bowl of hot water - could do it every day. If you felt a cold coming on you could increase it three times a day if convenient. Ideal for those who suffer with ongoing sinus problems.

You will need
  • Eucalyptus, Tea Tree essential oiland lavander essential oil
  • Take three drops of each and drop into a bowl of steaming water.
  •  Position your head over the bowl and cover with a towel , then inhale slowly and deeply as long as can be tolerated.

  • Never use undiluted essential oil on the skin.
  • Lavender has a nicer aroma than the tea tree - antiseptic and anti bacterial properties relax and calm children ..
  • Please note that the advice given in these notes is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice and treatment. 
  • Always visit a fully qualified medical herbalist or G.P. for diagnosis. 
  • If you are pregnant, have an existing condition or are currently taking medication consult a medical herbalist to see which herbs are appropriate for you to take.
For recurring infections or if currently taking prescribed medication it is best to see a medical herbalist for individually tailored comprehensive treatment

lastly stay cosy 

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